Hello <phv><REDACTED><phv>,
We are building a B2B SaaS middleware platform to fill the huge gap in the BAU software market for 3rd party tools. I am a 3x Founder and have already secured our first major pilot reaching 1M customers.
Integrations have never been more critical to the distribution and usage of B2B SaaS. The problem is every single integration can take months and cost tens of thousands of dollars. We have built a platform that makes it 10x faster to launch 3rd party solutions to the B2B SaaS tools businesses use every day.
We are backed by Antler VC, and currently raising AU$600k SAFE note at $4M cap with 20% discount.
I understand you are looking for forward-thinking teams working on opportunities at the intersection of behavioral change. B2B SaaS technology is at the earliest stage of going through a massive transformation as the functionality decentralizes from core platforms. We are positioned really well to take advantage of this, and I look forward to tell you more exactly how.
Kind regards,
Matt - Founder, StackGo (https://stackgo.io)